Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Homemade pizza

We made homemade pizza Monday night and I thought I'd share the recipe. I got it from my cousin Lori and when I made it for the first time, I couldn't believe how easy it was, so I'm sharing it with you, hoping you'll share your good ones with me! Who isn't always looking for a good recipe?

~3/4 c. warm water
~1 pkg. yeast
~1 T oil
~1/2 t salt
~2 c. flour

Mix water and yeast until dissolved. Stir in oil and salt. Add flour. Knead 5-10 min. until smooth. Let rise until double. Roll out onto pizza pan. Spread thin layer of oil and sprinkle parmesan on dough. Bake @ 425 for 10 min. Put other toppings on (sauce, pepparoni then cheese) and finish baking 10 more minutes.

We usually just do pepparoni, but Monday we decided to branch out and used mushrooms, green onions, pineapples, fresh tomaotes and of course pepparoni and mozzarella. And trust me, if I can make this, so can all of you. :)


Lauren said...

THAT looks so delicious! Thanks and I'll definitely try it. I'll let you know how it turns out!

joelle said...

I love the picture of Stetson, the quote with it, and that pizza looks delicious! your husband is a lucky man... :)

nina said...

My daughter saw the picture of your pizza and wanted to know why you took a picture of it hanging on your wall. Ha Ha, I had to laugh at that because I can see it was just taken at an angle, but kids are so funny how they see things. ;)