Sunday, April 27, 2008

My Shepherd Will Supply My Need Gordon B Hinckley Tribute

I sang this song at stake conference today with a women's choir, and it was the best musical experience I've had in a long time. We got a babysitter and were able to go to last night's session too, and I'm so glad we did. I'll just share one of my favorite parts of Saturday night's session. Dennis Brown (Denver temple pres.)quoted one of the general authorities, I think Pres. Kimball, who said something along the lines of, if we really understood what the ordinances of the temple entailed, we would crawl thousands of miles on our hands and knees to get there (to the temple), and we only have to drive about 120 miles in a comfortable car. I love being reminded of how GREAT the temple is, and the amazing blessings that await me there. Pres. Monson said we can meet every temptation if we go to the temple, and our lives will be better for us --I loved that part. Anyway, it was a great conference, and I wanted to include this video--it was sang at President Hinckley's funeral and it is GORGEOUS, you have to listen to it.

1 comment:

nina said...

Such a beautiful song Emily, thanks for sharing. It made me cry.