Sunday, April 20, 2008

Blast from the past...

How lucky can I be to have such a precious baby boy?? I remember when they took this picture, they came in my room at the hospital to get him to take the picture, and after about 5-10 minutes, I thought they had taken enough time to take one picture, and I came out of that room looking for him like a mama cow when someone's trying to castrate her calf. (Can you tell I married a farmer?)

The first couple of weeks after we had Stetson, we'd be over at his family's house (they lived just down the road) and while everyone was doting over him, holding him, playing with him, I would have to remind myself that he was mine, and that I would actually get to take him home with me that night, and I would become almost overcome with joy. Is that crazy that I did that?

This was the night of our 1st wedding anniversary--my sweet dad so lovingly wrapped up our cake top after our reception and labeled it so we could keep tradition and eat it our 1st wedding anniversary, and I have to say it wasn't so bad. :) Notice the huge cold sore on my lip--this was one of 2 of the HUGEST, I mean HUGEST cold sores I've ever had. It doesn't look that bad here, but trust me, it was huge--evidence that having a baby (especially your first) is pretty stressful. :-) But wonderful and amazing. This was the house we brought Stetson home to, I miss it.

Here I am looking hotter than ever. This was the night we took Stetson's baby announcement picture. All his clothes he wore up to this point were Michael & Rachel's hand me downs from their boys. They showed up at the hospital the day after we had Stetson with a huge box of cute baby clothes from all their 4 boys (since we had NONE because we thought were were having a girl).

He loved his bath once I got the hang of it and figured out what I was doing. His first real bath, I was afraid of the water being too hot (didn't know the test the water on your wrist trick yet) and it was probably not warm enough, so he was pretty unhappy, but now he loves it.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my baby boy and am so lucky to have him.


Jill Asay said...

Those are some fun pictures...he's such a smiley boy!

joelle said...

SO cute! I bet you a great mom :)

nina said...

Having a baby is one of the greatest things I have ever gone through. It is just hard describe unless you have had the experience. I still cry every time I watch a baby story on t.v. when they hand the baby to the mom. It's just the best moment ever. I'm glad you shared your son's baby pictures.

Kimberly said...

Em, what cute pictures! I'm so glad you posted them because I don't think I've really seen any pictures of Stetson when he was first born, or for the first few months! How fun!