Monday, August 22, 2011

8 weeks

Our girl turned 8 weeks yesterday so we had to have a photo shoot in out back yard with lots of help from Stetson & Kandace. :) Some stuff about our baby:
*About a week ago I got worried because when she was spitting up (which was typically only once every other day) it was a HUGE amount (I know, it always looks like more than it really is, but really it was a lot) and it was projectile, so I looked it up in a book and it said to call doc if its projectile, so I first called my friend whose little boy had a similar issue and ended up having pyloric stenosis, a sort of intestinal obstruction where the milk can't get down and comes back up. I called doc next morning, but he was out of town for a few days but the nurse just said to weigh her to make sure she's gaining, so I had the public health nurse come and fortunately, and to my GREAT relief, she was already 10lb 2 oz and 22 inches long. She was 8 lbs 3 oz and 20 in at birth. The nurse said she looked good and to just watch her. She's been doing good and spitting up a lot less so we're happy.

*In other news, she is starting to smile, which is a little peice of heaven. She is on a 3 hr schedule and sleeing great. Getting her to fall asleep at bedtime is a little tricky, but once she drops the late night feeding at 3 mos her bedtime will be more consistent and it will be easier.

She is such a good, sweet baby and we love her.


Kimberly said...

I love the picture you posted. She is adorable.

Mandi Burrell said...

She is getting so big and so cute. I love that she is smiling, it just melts my heart to see little ones smiling.