Thursday, August 18, 2011

beautiful girl

Dear Kandace,

I love your kisses, your sassy attitude, your crazy "interpretive" dances, your soft hair that I love to run my fingers through, I love that you were born to me 2 years ago and that I got the chance to be a mother to a daughter and have a mother/daugther relationship I've always longed for. I loved capturing moments of you tonight, because they go too fast and in the blink of an eye you change.

I love you and think you are beautiful.



Kristin said...

What a beautiful girl! I love her eyes.

StudlyStud23 said...
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Jamie said...

Oh my goodness. She is such a beauty and looks like her mother!

Linda said...

The apple has fallen right under the tree.

The Edwards said...

She is so beautiful!....and lucky to have such an awesome mama. You are doing a great job. Love your blog.