Saturday, February 23, 2008

State Wrestling

So, we got back from Casper today. We went to watch Michael's little brother, Jared, grapple in the state wrestling tournament. It is really cool, because its TOTALLY different (obviously) from state basketball (which is whate I'm used to), and I had never been to a state wrestling tournament until Michael's other brother, Daniel, was a senior, which was a couple years ago, so it was fun to go again. So when you first walk into the events center, the whole floor is covered with 9 mats, and wrestlers EVERYWHERE, trying to stay warm, so they're jogging in place, dancing around and wrestling their teammates. Its CRAZY. Friday they had 1st round, quarter finals, 1st round wrestle backs (whatever that means, I'm just typing word for word what Michael tells me) and them semi-finals. Jared lost in the 1st round on Friday and won in the first round of wrestle backs. On Saturday he lost in the 2nd round of wrestle backs. Eventually I'm going to have to figure all this out (points, names of moves, etc.) since afterall I DID marry a wrestler, and wrestling will probably be a part of our lives, even though I'm sure our kids will play bball. :-) (not if Michael has anything to do with it) Its so funny because I'll just be sitting there watching, and suddenly everyone starts cheering and yelling and I'm like, "WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED?" Because I don't understand wrestling and I don't know when someone does a good thing. :) One of these days I'll figure it out. One of the coolest things about the tourney is the "march of champions." (there's a pic of it below) Its where all the teams march around the floor holding a banner with their mascot and high school name. After all the high schools march in, the state champions from the previous year march in holding a Wyoming state flag. Anyway, we got to see Michael's mom and brother and stay in a hotel Friday night. The hotel had a pool and hot tub, so that was really fun. Stetson loves the water. Saturday we went to see my friend Kim, so that was fun too. Her and her husband, Danen just bought a house in Casper and are fixing it up, so we got to tour it and catch up. Well here's some pics. Hope everyone had a great weekend.


Erin said...

Jared is glad to be done cutting weight. I'll see him every day at the lunchroom now.

jsmbbaker said...

Hey lady! I'm bummed I didn't get to go to Kennedy's birthday and see ya! Hey- did Kara come by and pick that bin of clothes up? Let me know! Take care...