Monday, February 25, 2008

Is my son a genius?

Disclaimer-I don't really think my son is a genius, but he does surprise us sometimes.
So, Stetson has done this twice. When he's poopy, he brings me the wipes, so I can change him, I'm assuming. Its so cute. I don't know if its just a coincidence or what. What do you think?

Right now I'm watching "Jon & Kate plus 8." A show on TLC featuring a family who has a set of twins and sextuplets. Watching it makes me feel so weak, because I get overwhelmed with just Stetson, and this lady has 8 kids under the age of like 10. It stresses me out just watching it. Right now Stetson is ripping a paper towel into as many peices as possible. Its one of his favorite things to do.

Here's some others:

Stetson's favorite things to do:

  • play with the dishwasher (taking silverware out, hitting other things with it)

  • reading with mom (this is his newest thing..I mean he's always loved being read to, but now we have to hide his books because he'll get his favorite book and bring it to us, and after about 20 (not even kidding) times of me reading it to him, I set the book down and he goes and gets it and insists on being read to, or else throws a fit

  • taking his bath--he could sit in there forever playing

  • playing with silverware (I know when he's done eating when I try to feed him and he grabs the spoon/fork. He loves to hit his tray with it and pretty much make a huge mess)

  • pulling clothes out of drawers/laundry baskets

  • looking at himself in the mirror

  • playing with the the laptop. This should be at the top of the list because he LOVES doing this. When I'm sitting down checking email/blogs or whatever, he walks up to me, opens his eyes as wide as he can and makes this "me me me" sound (in between deep breaths, pretty dramatic). Then I put him on my lap and he tries pushing buttons 'til I can't stand it anymore

  • picking up rocks in our "back yard" and handing them to me or Michael

  • pulling the towels down from the handle on the oven

  • sucking on pens

  • watching teletubbies

  • pushing buttons on the tv

  • pushing any buttons

  • playing with my cell phone (another one that should be at the top of the list)

  • stacking his blocks
  • sitting on my lap

Well you can probably tell I'm bored. Stetson's asleep, Michael just got home from his mkat prep class, so I need to go get ready for bed. Am I the only one who hates getting ready for bed?


jsmbbaker said...

Hey lady! That list makes me laugh, cause Brensyn- although a year older than Stetson- still does a bunch of those things. The most annoying ones to me is probably the computer thing and the throwing clothes, cause it's usually after I've folded them. So- about the clothes- I use the vanilla/lavender wash, and the vanilla/lavender fabric softener, and the vanilla/lavender dryer sheets! Actually, you don't really even need to use the wash if you use the fabric softener and dryer sheets. That is key- softener and sheets! This makes it smell a lot longer after it's out of the dryer. Also- they have a new kind of softener that has "scent pearls" that I might try- I'll let you know how that goes!

Em said...

Emily just to let you know I HATE getting ready for bed too. I put it off until the very last minute and then sometimes I find something else to do in the bathroom just to put it off, Daryl hates it. Just thought I would share since you hate it also.

laura said...

I have seen that show and it makes me stressed out to watch it too! I saw one where they all went to Disneyland and if I were her I would have had a heart attack it was so crazy. Stetson is getting so big and cuter every day (if that's possible)

joelle said...

Emily! Stetson is so cute! I can't believe how big he is already! I just remember going to your bridal shower in salt lake, then everything happened so fast! haha well hopefully I will be see you at the reunion this summer?? eh eh?