Thursday, February 14, 2013

I have a lot to say about this monster.

 About a month ago, Stetson brought home a flyer about Valentine's boxes.  Its purpose was to explain to parents that they were to help their child create a "valentine box" of some sort as a family and to be creative and have fun!  I immediately got all sorts of ideas and started saving empty boxes and milk cartons of all shapes and sizes.  It dawned on me one night that we should use the go-gurt box and make a monster since it had a little slit for the mouth already which would be perfect for inserting Valentine's.  Step 1 was paper mache.  I looked up a recipe, started mixing ingredients and thought for sure I was the best mom in the history of the world for creating such a fun family craft for my Stetson.  WRONG.  He hated the paper mache and after much weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, Stetson applied ONE strip on the box. Kandace however loved it and had no reservations getting down and dirty with the paper mache.  She eventually lost interest though and I ended up finishing "step 1." 

Step 2: A few days later Stetson picked his color and we spray painted it (Stetson acually didn't even get to do that because the nozzle was so hard to push down) and a couple days after that, Stetson decorated it exactly how he wanted to and I was pleased as punch even though he put eyeballs on the monster's head and where I thought the nose should be, I was so glad he could do what he wanted.  This boy surprises me every day but I sure am crazy about him.  I remember learning in my child development class in college that there is a lot of value in giving your child decision making opportunities, even if it means their clothes don't match or their valentine boxes don't exactly fit the "mold."  It seemed like a lot of the valentine boxes were made by parents and I felt good that I'd let Stetson do his own thing.


Mark & Shayla said...

It turned out so cute! Way to go crafty mom!

Jill Asay said...

That is such a sweet valentine box. It is really hard to just let them do it how they want...good job on that!