Michael has been working hard. He left last Thursday evening to drive to Denver, where he then flew to SLC and then San Jose so he could do a presentation on The impact of hepatitis C virus infection on glomerular filtration rate in the first year post liver transplant. Sounds pretty sweet, huh? He learned all this stuff when he did his research in Indianapolis last summer. I missed him so much--it made me realize how grateful I am to have a husband and helped me put some things in perspective. He stayed in a hotel the first night, but he didn't want to spend the extra $$ on a hotel for the second night when he'd be getting up so early in the morning anyway to catch his flight, so he slept in his rental car!! I love him for working so hard for us and sacrificing so much. He landed safely in Denver this morning, then we met up in Cheyanne for lunch at Texas Road house (thanks for the gift card dad, it was sooooo yummy) and then had Michael fitted for a new suit at Dillards. He looked soooooooooo good. :) I'm excited for it all to come together and to see him all decked out.
That is great! Good for Michael! It's good to be reminded of what's most important, isn't it? We all need that now and then. I noticed your ticker is down to 16 days, wow!
Emily--I can definitely get a hat to you. I have white, black, light pink and dark pink. Just let me know what color and I can get it to Jan. You can e-mail me at whitneysbows@gmail.com
It is nice when absence makes the heart grow fonder. I think we need that once in a while :)
That is so funny he slept in a rental car! Way to be conservative! I love TX Roadhouse too, their steaks are so delish!
I'm glad you posted a comment because I've been wondering if you're in the hospital! :o) It's funny that Michael has two trips this month. I would have been freaking out.
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