Monday, November 17, 2008

Gratitude "K-P"

I'm grateful for Knowledge. I’m thankful to belong to a church that encourages learning and especially for a dad who made it possible and encouraged me to stick it through college so I could learn all the wonderful things I did.

I'm grateful for Local church leaders—I’m grateful for my bishopric and the countless hours they put in behind the scenes to make our ward “run.” I feel the spirit so strong every Sunday as I sit in sacrament meeting and it wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for sacrificing, worthy priesthood holders who love and serve God.

I'm grateful for Michael. He's my best friend and I love knowing I can talk to him about anything. Plus he’s a GREAT dad and there’s nothing I could want more than a great dad for my children.

I'm grateful for Nice people. Some are, some aren’t, and I’m so grateful for the ones that are.

I'm grateful for Opportunities. I’m proud to live in a country where I’ve always had lots of opportunities and for all the other ones that have come my way throughout my life in the form of education, jobs, callings, etc.

I'm graeful for Parents. Especially for the fact that the took me to church every Sunday, taught me about the gospel of Jesus Christ and loved me.

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