Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Smurftastic birthday. Stetson turns 7

 Last night Michael and I decorated the basement with streamers and hung signs.  We did it last year and Stetson remembered and kept asking us if we would "surprise" him like last year.  When he woke up he opened his present from gma Asay and gma, gpa and Jared got to watch on skype.  It was awesome.  We love all the family support we get.  After that Stetson had the breakfast of his choice (strawberry oatmeal and a crepe).  After that he opened 2 birthday cards in the mail, one from gpa Simmons and one from Charlie and Donna.  We took him to school, at 10 me, Michael and the girls brought smurf cupcakes over.  We had to search high and low for smurf stickers to make these.  Kmart pulled through for us.  At 1 I went back to the school to help sort butterbraids for a fundraiser.  I brought Stetson home after school and at home he did a scavenger hunt to find his bday present in the ...bathtub!  Forgot to take a pic.  He loves scavenger hunts.  After that we decorated the papa smurf cake then headed to chuckey cheese where we met 2 of Stetson's friends from school, Brecken Waddell and Landon Greyn.  After a couple hours of rip roarin fun at chuckey cheese we headed home and Steston and I delivered some butterbraids.
Some fun things about Stetson man:
*loves the smurfs
*loves to be silly
*loves to read and write.  Especially loves drawing/writing games, riddles for Michael and I to do during sacrament
*loves to eat cereal and pours his own milk now :)
*has very good manners always remembering to say please and thank you
*has a funny sense of humor
*is always drilling us with math trivia.  In the car, at home, at church.  Kandace is starting to pick up on it and likes to tell us some of her own math facts
*loves to play with his best friend Landon
*loves to sing and really wants to learn more about music.

Steston we love you and are so proud of you.  Happy 7th birthday!


Jill Asay said...

Happy birthday to you , Stetson. Looks like you had a great day!

The Asay's said...

We sure do love you Stetson. Looks like you had a wonderful birthday!

Kimberly said...

I love that he loves Smurfs. It's not the usual characters kids are into these days - I think it's awesome!