Saturday, June 4, 2011


Today we went to the carnival! We hadn't been planning on it 'til we barely caught wind of it last night at a party for Michael's work. I figure that once the baby comes in just a few weeks we won't be out and about a ton, so I want to pack in all the fun now! Stetson and Kandace had a ball. There is nothing more fun for me than watching my kids have fun. The tickets were expenssive and almost all the rides were 3 tickets/ride but luckily we ran into a co-worker of Micahel's who had some extra tickets that she gave us! AWESOME! This picture of Stetson might be my new favorite picture of him. This was the dragon roller coaster. It was like the 3rd ride we went on and Stetson had NO reservations riding any of the rides, including this one. Little did he know how fast it went! The above picture is right before it took off, and the next one is right AFTER it took off and I think mom might have been as scared as Stetson. This ride might have been a little too fast for our boy, it really whipped around on the corners and it scared me to see his little body whip around, but it was priceless all at the same time. Each time the coaster went by the guy running it, Stetson would say, "Ok I'm ready for it to stop."

Afterwards we had snow cones and mom's VERY favorite carnival treat, or treat in general, a caramel apple. Yum.


Unknown said...

Your carnival pictures are awesome. I especially love the one of Stetson after the ride started. Priceless!

Brenda said...

Too Cute!