Thursday, May 8, 2008

25 years ago today... big brother, Todd had his last birthday, because he was born on May 8th too, and after I came along, word has it that he didn't get much of a birthday. I remember one year for my birthday my parents let me invite pretty much everyone I knew to Mayette Swim center (swimming pool in Santa Rosa) and looking back years later, I wonder, where was Todd? Did he have his own bday bash that night? We joke now that Todd never had a birthday once I came along. Anyway, luckily he's in Cowley today and I'm hundreds of miles away in Laramie, where I can't steal his thunder. :) ***DISCLAIMER*****Dad wanted me to be sure to include the fact that he didn't LET me invite everyone I knew, I just did w/out their permission and it was too late once they all showed up! Whoops

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODD!!!!! The greatest thing about sharing a bday with you, is I'll always be turning a smaller number than you!


Jill Asay said...

HaPpY BiRtHdAy to you! Hope you have a wonderful day! What are you guys doing to celebrate?

Teri said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you get to do something special.

rachel lee said...

YAY! Happy birthday! Are those the best picture you have of Todd?? Ha. Hope you are having a good one...

Kimberly said...

How have I known you for as long as I have and never had a clue that Todd had the same birthday? I'm a sad sad friend! Anyway, Happy Birthday (yesterday, since I'm writing this on the 9th). You're awesome!

Jamie said...

It's funny, i thought about you all day on your b-day and I never wrote to say 'Happy Birthday!' My good friend Kera's birthday is on May 8th and ironically her childhood best friend's birthday is on December 3rd! Too funny, huh?

Also, i can't believe the irony that we were both born on our older brother's birthdays. How weird is that?