Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Am I the only one who feels like getting good pics on special holidays when everyone's outfits are matching and clean is like pretty much impossible? These are fun pics, but it'd be nice if they could just like, smile normal? lol
I feel like a broken record when I hear myself trying to teach the kids the real meaning of Easter--its hard to put the focus on Jesus Christ with all the other "stuff" to distract. We started our festivities with an easter egg hunt in Byron Saturday morning and then we went to Cody to look at a truck I read about in the paper. Michael's been wanting one forever. When we got home we headed to Asay's to help with cows for a bit, then I went early to stake conference because I was singing in the choir. Jacob was awesome and watched our kids. I also appreciate Michael for being such a good sport. Saturday conference is always the best for me for some reason. I haven't figured it out yet, but I always feel such a strong spirit Saturday night and this time was no exception. I am so grateful for the peace and HOPE the gospel brings and for a fresh start every day. I hope I can eventually get it right and try harder to be better. I was excited to find these matching dresses at Target this year. It does my heart good to dress 2 little girls in matching dresses. I am so lucky. We kind of farmed the kids out on Sunday. Todd & Emily took Stetson, Jan had Kandace and Michael had Janelle. I am selfish and sing in the choir even though I should probably sit with my kids. I just love it so much and need that uplifting feeling I have when I sing about the Savior. I love him and am grateful for the resurrection and the chance I have to be with my sweet family forever.


The Asay's said...

I love the girl's dresses and Stetson looks so big and grown up in his little suit.

Mandi Burrell said...

So cute and I am thankful for those with talent in the music area. You keep on singing and uplifting those around you. Love you girl.

Unknown said...

I think it is an awesome picture. They all look like they are expressing true personality. Cute!