I saw a picture of a very pretty woman on a blog with REALLY short hair and I wanted to cut mine like that so bad. I thought "if she can pull it off, why can't I?" I cut my hair pretty short when I was prego with Kandace. Being pregnant makes you do crazy things. I liked it but I sort of felt like I'd had a mastectomy, like I'd lost some of my woman "ness." JUST THINK, how much EASIER life would be with hair this short?? I mean SERIOUSLY?? What mom of young kids doesn't need one less thing to worry about and hassle with. I blow dryed and straightened my hair today (and fixed it) and then we went to Cody today (I'll blog about that later) and my hair was a big frizz ball by the end of the day. Awesome, all that work for nothing. Could I possibly blog about anything more ridiculous? No, but I just wanted to share.
Well just for the record. I thought your hair was really cute when you were pregnant with Candace
Go for it! You can definitely pull it off!!!!
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