Wednesday, December 16, 2009

There's no use crying over spilled milk

My little angel boy, Stetson, spilled milk on our laptop last week. He'd come in the living room to drink it and I told him to go drink it in the kitchen and thats when he spilled the milk that cost us over $900. Its been sad dealing with this, but there's a bright side. I've been doing more cleaning/organizing and spending more quality time with the kids (a HUGE plus). We did take the laptop into TCT and a guy that works there who also happens to be in our ward, has been working on it but he's pretty sure nothing can be done. He suggested take it into best buy or sell parts on ebay, but we'll probably just buy a new one in a couple months.

In the meantime, we've truly been enjoying the holidays. I'm really trying to remember to focus on what really matters and keep things simple. We went to our wonderful ward party that had a carnival theme to it and Stetson treated himself to hotdogs, fries, cotton candy and lots of other goodies. He was in heaven and it was so fun to watch him enjoy himself so much. We took holiday treats around to family and friends last night and today and enjoyed seeing everyone.
I'm singing in the ward and stake choir again and I've LOVED it (especially the stake choir). This requires a lot of planning and sacrifice on both me and Michael's behalf, but its been worth it. I am so grateful for music, Christmas time and for the gift of the Savior, who brings meaning to every thing in our lives.

In other news, our taurus has a broken headgasket and its being fixed (I hope) right now. In the meantime, Michael and I are learning what its like to be a one car family. Not my favorite thing.

Kandace turned 10 months old. She is getting stronger every day and still lights up our lives with her beautiful smile.

Stetson turns 3 tomorrow!! More to come on that later!


Jill Asay said...

Tell Stetson happy birthday from us! It cost you $900 to have them look at your computer...yikes!! Sounds like you guys are enjoying the holidays! Can't wait to see you guys in a just over a week!

Unknown said...

Ay, sounds like a frustrating week. I hope you become a two car family again soon and sorry about the laptop.

Sarah B. said...

Broken laptop = ouch. Yay for little boys turning three! :-)

nina said...

Wow, I'm sorry that happened. I know how it feels trust me. We have come to the conclusion that he have to be mentally prepared for ANYTHING that we have bought to be broken. Because trust me it will at some point. Our kids just recently broke our DVD/surround sound system which is actually built into our walls. Thank goodness we bought a warranty. I would highly recommend that on your more expensive purchases ;)

Brenda said...

Happy Birthday to that sweet little boy!
Three years ago today.....Jan called me, "Friend? are you my friend?" I said, "Of course!" "We need to make another blanket, it's a boy!" Ha, Ha!
And a wonderful boy at that!