Friday, December 4, 2009

Her mother's daughter/fun things about Stetson

Well I definitely decided Kandace is her mother's daughter when I fed her spaghetti yesterday. She loved it and ate quite a bit. She has been little miss cranky pants deluxe these last few days (new teeth?) but when I fed her some spaghetti her mood definitley lifted. Its crazy that this little miss is almost 10 months old. Wow. She is such a good baby and we love her!!

Stetson is so funny as always. For probably the last 2-3 months he asks us this: "Mommy/daddy you happy?" He usually just asks me when he just did something he thinks will make me mad or if he can tell I'm not happy. I'll say "no I'm not happy because you just..(insert negative behavior here) and then he'll ask me again if I'm happy and if I don't tell him I'm happy, he'll keep asking me until I answer "yes."

Stetson loves going to story time (the stamps are his favorite and using the glue at the craft table). Lately we've been getting a Dora book every time we go and it is his favorite thing to read until we take it back.

This boy loves to sing!! His favorite song to sing lately is the happy birthday song. He stacks things up (my rubermaid containers for instance) and pretends its a bday cake then sings. And he likes his mom and dad to join in too.

He's been sleeping great again (thank goodness). Occasionally he'll come in our room and ask to get in with us but we just walk him back to his room and he goes to sleep. His favorites lately are the movie ratitouille and oranges..he could eat those all day if I let him.


Brenda said...

Yeah for spaghetti! She is such a little doll!
I hope Stetson never stops singing-He's so fun!

Kathryn said...

Emily, Stetson and my oldest do the EXACT thing. The "Momma, you happy?" after being told his inapproriate behaviour etc and the singing of "Happy Birthday" that is so funny that they both do those things, perhaps age appropriate??

Mark & Shayla said...

So, cute! You guys need to come over again. Jay has been wearing the clothes you gave us and whenever he wears a new shirt he has to tell Mark "Daddy I wearing my Stetson shirt"

Jill Asay said...

stetson is the funniest little kid! we love him! it was fun to see you guys over the holiday. can't wait for christmas!

Unknown said...

Landon is in this happy/sad stage, the bad part is he remebers. A couple days ago I got a nasty tummy ache and for the last few days he's been asking if I am still sad. I wish we lived closer together, I think he and Stetson would be great friends. I love you and miss you.