Thursday, September 24, 2009

enjoying the scenery

I think that in the journey of life, too often we get too absorbed in the destination and forget to take a break and enjoy the "scenery" if you will. I've been looking back at old posts and realized for one, that Stetson has made huge strides with potty training, (even though he's not 100% there) and I'm grateful for it! Secondly, I will be the first to admit that being a stay at home mom hasn't always been easy for me, but this last week I have been truly grateful that Michael supports us enough that I can stay home. I watch other moms who work full-time, come home and try to squeeze everything in and it looks so hard!!! I'm grateful for this pace of life I have. Today and yesterday I was so lucky to be able to do some canning/freezing with Michael's 93 year old Grandma, Mildred. She is awesome. She never slows down, she's sharp as a pin and still offers so much to her family. I really enjoyed being out and spending time with her and learning new things--things I couldn't do if I was working outside the home. And just because, I want to share this awesome quote I found on my friend Jamie's blog (thanks Jamie).

Life isn't always easy. At some point in our journey we may feel much as the pioneers did as they crossed Iowa--up to our knees in mud, forced to bury some of our dreams along the way. We all face rocky ridges, with the wind in our face and winter coming on too soon. Sometimes it seems as though there is no end to the dust that stings our eyes and clouds our vision. Sharp edges of despair and discouragement just out of the terrian to slow our passage...

Occassionally we reach the top of one summit in life, as the pioneers did, only to see more mountain peaks ahead, higher and more challenging than the one we jave just traversed. Tapping unseen reservoirs of faith and endurance, we, as did our forebears inch ever forward toward that day when our voices can join with those of all pioneers who have endured in faith, singing "All is well! All is well!"


Brenda said...

Lovely quote Emily. We mom's sometimes forget what an important job we are doing and how it will affect generations. You are a sweet, thoughtful and loving mother Emily. You are doing just fine!

Sarah B. said...

Hardest job in the world, but at night, when I look at those angelic, sleeping faces - I realize how blessed I am. You are an amazing Mom and I have learned lots from you--keep it up!