Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Crazy coupon lady

(Don't worry dad, one of the V8 splash is for you)
Well I definitely haven't earned the "crazy coupon lady" title, but I am getting better and wanted to document this because I think it will be fun to look back and see how things change over time--prices, brand labels, etc. The retail value of all this is $118.47 and I paid $64.27. I am definitely still an amatuer coupon shopper, but I'm getting better! Thanks Rachel for teaching me the ropes. Remember that shopping game show where they have to get all these specific items, and there's like bonus prizes on the back of some, and they're racing against other people to get the most stuff?? Maybe it was called Shop 'til you drop? I feel like I'm on that show. Its sort of fun, but the most fun is when you're checking out, your items have been scanned and the checker lady scans all your coupons and your total amount just keeps getting lower and lower and lower with every beep....love it!

My potty wise book suggests that if your child isn't pooping on the potty yet that you take them to the toy store, let them pick out a toy, let them hold it, then put it back on the shelf and explain that once they go poop on the potty 3 days in a row, they can go back to the store and get the toy. Well Stetson didn't go with me, but at Wal-mart today I bought him a pack of fun Dora books that play music and all that jazz, and I showed it to him when I got home and he wants it SOOOOO bad, so I told him after he goes poop on the potty 3 days in a row he can have it. I showed him on the calendar what 3 days looks like (still not sure if he gets that part) and he immediately went and sat on the potty. He didn't go, but he has a great incentive to. I'm just so anxious to be done with this. He is 100% pee trained (during the day at least) and I just thought the poop part would follow immediately after he figured out the pee but not so much.


The Asay's said...

Wow Emily that is seriously amazing. Teach me...

Trish said...

Hey, I recognize some of those deals. :o) We will really have to compare notes. I've heard Walgreens has really good deals, but I haven't quite figured out their system. Where do you get your coupons? I'm missing the Denver Post.

Lindsay said...

I am trying to become a crazy coupon lady as well;) I am doing so much better and have found some great deals as well:)It takes a little effort, but it is so worth it

Brenda said...

I guess you are going to have to teach me too Emily. That sounds great.
And good idea with the Dora books!
I missed you girls last night, I didn't get home until 9:30.

Kathryn said...

Hi Emily, I have read your blog a few times and you just amaze me with the way you think.... I am from Australia and we had this same show in Australia, called 'Supermarket Sweep' where 3 people compete shopping for groceries and race to the back of the store for the inflatable objects with the big money on them, is that the show you were thinking of?

(If you would prefer I not follow your blog, just let me know)

Shana said...

That's my girl Emily...I'm lovin the chocolate chip stash you got going on there! My kind of girl!
Hey, they say we should have food storage that we will eat. I don't know about you, but I could live off chocolate and water for a long time. :)