Well 2 years ago today at 12:21 pm our lives were changed forever!! Our precious Stetson Simmons Asay came into the world. We had such a fun day today. Stetson was such a happy little man ALL day long, making for an extra special day. We kept it simple this year and went swimming at the rec with Matthew & Charlene, then had pizza at Pizza Hut then came home for cake and presents. It was so fun this year because unlike last year, he actually opened his presents and got excited about it. From gma & gmpa Asay he got a cool book with magnets and a football target game. Matthew & Charlene got him a magnedoodle. Besides me, Charlene's probably drawn the most "bow-bows" (rainbows) for Stetson and they know how much he likes to draw his pictures, letters, etc. So thank you Matthew & Charlene, that was the perfect gift!! Michael & I got him a basketball and of course boring clothes, but he needs them as he's growing out of his old ones too fast.

Michael leaves for work at 5am every day so he didn't get to tell Stetson happy birthday before he left so he called Stetson this morning on his way back to tell him happy birthday. What a sweet dad.

The batteries we bought on the way to the rec didn't work so I didn't get many pics of us at the pool but like usual, Stetson had a ball.

and here is the infamous birthday cake, which should get a post in and of itself. I am too vain to just buy one already made and save myself the many nights I lay in bed previous to his birthday thinking how I'm going to make it work...but it was ALL worth it when I showed him the cake for the first time and he said "Boots!" (the name of the monkey). I was so afraid he wouldn't recognize who it was. Stetson's favorite show to watch is "Dora the Explorer" so I wanted to make a Dora cake, but Michael put the ka-bosh on that because that wouldn't be "manly" enough so we did boots instead. I won't be expecting a call from the culinary arts institute of cakes any time soon. :)

...lighting his candles

This is when we were singing to him--definitely my favorite part of his birthday--he was so happy and excited!

Last time we were at Christian & Jill's, Stetson found a puzzle like this in Carson's room and loved it, so Jill being the very thoughtful/observant girl she is, got him a "fishing puzzle." Thank you, he loves it!

Stetson LOVED his basketball from mom & dad. Happy birthday Stetson boy, we LOVE YOU!!! XOXOXOXO
So fun looks like a great day! It is a very good day by the way, it is our Anniversary too! Happy Birthday Stetson:)
What a CUTE boy you have! I wish you were in our ward so he would be in nursery with us! Happy Birthday Stetson!
Stetson is so adorable! I'm glad that his birthday was good. And you should win mother of the year award for your cake decorating skills!
I'm really impressed with you cake Emily! I've never been so adventurous. It sounds like a great day. Happy Birthday Stetson!
That is so fun! Stetson sure is big - and a very handsome boy! You're cake is awesome! You do a really good job! And I understand how you feel - I can't make myself buy store-boughten cakes. Even though it stresses me to the max, I like to make them myself!
I think your cake is awesome. You are such a great mom. Tell Stetson we all say Happy Birthday! See you guys soon.
The cake looked great!
looks like you guys had a wonderful day!
He's so cute!! What a fun birthday!! hey I was wondering if you guys have left for Lovell yet... if you have, did you get an invitation in the mail before you left? If not please let me know! Thanks
You did a great job on the cake. I could tell right away who it was. Your such a sweet mom.
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