Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Let me introduce you

to Mr. Independent. One of the most exciting things about being a mom is being able to witness the many milestones your child reaches. Well Stetson's latest is independence. He likes to do things himself more and more, especially feeding himself. Michael actually should get most of the credit because instead of giving Stetson a bowl of food and a spoon and saying, "have at it" (which Michael did so that Stetson COULD learn how to feed himself) the control freak in me wouldn't have it--I wanted to feed him myself to avoid a mess. Michael kept saying, "he's never gonna get it if you don't let him try." Stetson is getting better, thankfully, but there were days we just had to sit and watch him try so hard to do it himself when he really didn't quite have the motor skills to do it, (he could get the food on the spoon but it'd fall off by the time it reached his mouth) but when we tried to help him he'd refuse, SO it was frustrating to say the least AND you can imagine the mess.:)
Today he had spaghetti for lunch and its a relief to see him catch on, and crazy all at the same time because it seemed like the day would never come. My boy is growing fast.


Unknown said...

Yeah, Good Luck with the independance thing. Jason and I now are constantly reminding each other that we need to pick our battles and close our eyes for everything else. Independance is great and terrible!

Unknown said...

I know exactly how you feel about trying to avoid a mess. I fed Matthew for the longest time because I wanted to avoid the mess, but Kai taught him to do it and now he does pretty well, except for when he won't eat, then I have to shove it in his mouth. :)

Kristin said...

You are very patient! I am sure it is hard to watch, yet satisfying to see success. Thanks for sharing!