Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fun stuff

So, Stetson is sleeping and I'm not much in the mood for doing anything so I'll give you an update! We're coming home not this weekend but the next and I'm ridiculously excited about it. Let me tell you why: #1, I love getting to spend 6 hours straight with the ones I love (yeah Stetson gets hard sometimes but its a lot better thanks to DVD players). #2: We always stop at Burger King in Riverton on the way to eat and bad for me or not, I LOVE fast food and don't eat it very often so its a treat when we do. #3: I love seeing family. #4: We're going to help with cows and I always enjoy that, crazy as it sounds, but its become one of my favorite things to do and I have some of my BEST memories doing it--I just love being with Michael and his family and seeing the pretty scenery I guess (and Jan always brings yummy food).
#5: I don't have to cook for a whole weekend. Well there you have it.

Well thats my exciting news. On kind of a bummer note, we were psyched because we thought we were going to get into a 3 bdrm apt. (Joel & Sarah's because they moved into a 4 bdrm) with new baby coming and all but it turned out we were "misinformed" and we're still on the waiting list.

Stetson is saying a lot more these days, even if I can't understand most of it. :) He does say "leez" which is "please" and "no" has become a favorite of his, and pretty much anything we say he can repeat if we ask him to. Oh, and his favorite show to watch is Dora, but he calls it "day-cha" with a big emphasis on the "cha." Its really cute.

Lastly, am I the only one way excited about fall? I always get really anxious for spring once March comes (doesn't everyone?) and wish it were summer all year long, but I do love the seasons and I get giddy when I see the Halloween decorations in the Wal-mart aisle. Stetson and I even browsed around the other day and found some cute "Treat bags" to put goodies in and take to someone. I ended up teaching Relief Society last Sunday so I filled the baggies with pumpkin cookies (thanks for the Recipe Tracy). I have to just say how great my husband is though, because it was like 15 min. before we were supposed to leave for church and my baggies still weren't filled so not only did he help me bake the cookies, but he put the twisties on my baggies, got Stetson dressed, found a big bag for me to put all my little baggies in, and more things I'm forgetting. He always saves me when I find myself in a crunch because I didn't plan my time very well. YUB YOU HONEY!!!!


Tracy said...

The cookies are good, huh?!?!

You guys are such a cute family! I still miss our V.T. days and can't believe how big Stetson is getting!!

Em said...

I will am with you on the whole being excited about fall I say the transition seasons are the best. But my favorite by far is Fall.

laura said...

That is crazy you live so far from fast food! I don't know what I would do. Not that we eat it a lot but I do love Taco Bell haha! I can't wait for fall too.