Monday, April 2, 2018

Little league basketball

Stetson and Kandace played little league basketball this year.  Unfortunately Stetson's team never got a team picture.  They had a rough season.  I don't think they won any games.  Another bummer was that every single game Stetson and Kandace had was at the same time so I switched back and forth, but I was a coach for Kandace's team, too making it more hectic.  Stetson is timid and the opposite of aggressive but we like for him to try new things and get out of his comfort zone.  Secretly I wish that if I spent enough time helping him during the summer that he'd come out of his shell and it can become something he likes and is good at.  It'd help if he grew a little, too.  A mom can hope, right?  Kandace actually loves basketball and it did my heart good to see her actually dribbling and shooting and right in the middle of the action.  I am proud of both my little basketball players!

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