Friday, December 19, 2014

8 is great!

 Last Wednesday my boy turned 8!  Michael has been in Miles City for his 3rd rotation so he couldn't be here for Stetson's birthday.  Made me sad but we tried our best to make it a special day.  Stetson requested sweedish pancakes for breakfast and then Jill Chlemow came over at noon so I could take peanut butter cookies and punch to his class (his request) for his birthday treat.  I love spending time in his classroom and seeing him with his classmates and talking to his teacher.  The first pic is when he handed out treats and the 2nd is when they sang to him.
 After school I picked up the kids, we went to Costco to get a chocolate cake (also Stetson's request) and drove to Cowley to meet with our family for cake, ice cram and presents.  Stahle was not in love with the car ride over and cried most of the time.  I stopped in Bridger to feed her but she was so worked up she didn't even eat that much.  Somewhere between Bridge and Frannie (aka middle of nowhere) Kandace had to go to the bathroom. bad.  That wasn't fun.  We made it and I'm so glad we made the drive because Stetson seemed super happy and he got some awesome presents.  Lots of legos, money, a cool encyclopedia book from gma & gpa Asay, farmopoly, scriptures and other fun stuff.

Fun things about Stetson
*is the best breakfast eater I know.  Its the first thing he does when he wakes up most mornings.  He will eat 3 or 4 pancakes or 1 whole bowl of cream of wheat or multiple bowls of cereal
*loves to play games, especially monopoly and farmopoly
*has taken a recent interest in legos and will spend hours downstairs in his room building things.  he built a baptismal font out of legos and we took his pic and sent it to the friend magazine
*loves to read diary of a wimpy kid and lunch lady
*is a good helper, always fetching me a diaper for Stahle or whatever
*loves to tell jokes

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