Thursday, December 4, 2014

2 months!!

Our sweet Stahle turned 2 months on November 22nd.  Stahle weighed in at 12.1 which puts her at the 73rd percentile.  Her height is 59.69 cm which puts her in the 90th percentile and her head was 39 cm which puts her in the 83rd percentile.  Whenever anyone asks if she's a good baby I of course tell them yes and they act shocked when I tell them she sleeps 10 hours at night and I usually just smile and go on my way unless they tell me I'm lucky, then I explain babywise and how we schedule and that it is no coincidence that all 4 of mine have slept through the night from 2 months on.  Since Michael's been on rotations its been hard having 4 kids by myself but our Stahle is by far the easiest one!  Scheduling is always hard though because there's crying involved, and she usually doesn't sleep straight through her naps, she usually sleeps for about a 1/2 hr, cries then goes back down for the rest so she can get at least a 1 1/2 hr nap.  I've loved having structure and expert advice to help guide my parenting.  I'm a rule follower I guess and I'd rather have a doctor tell me how to do it than "wing it" and its worked for our family.
  Stahle started to smile a couple weeks ago and it is our favorite.  The kids love her, Janelle can't stay off of her which is frustrating but its good to know she loves her sister.  At 2 months, Stahle's first feeding is around 7, and then from then on she eats every 3 hrs, with her last one being at about 9pm.  She sleeps all night and I go get her around 6:45 or 7.  She gets 6 feedings a day and is gaining well and hitting all her milestones and her pediatrician said she looks good so we are all happy!  She loves her bouncer which is nice.  We put her in there for her "awake" Time which follows her feeding.  We put her on the kitchen table if that's where we're at so she can join in on the fun.  She likes to be where we're at, and we love to have her close by.  She loves to be talked to and held.  She had her first experience at child watch this Monday when I took her at 9 so I could go spinning.  I left a piece of my heart there when I dropped her off but she's been happy and one of the happiest babies from what I can tell when I've picked her up the 2 times I've gone spinning this week. 
Our little special moments with Stahle are so precious when I think this is probably our last baby.  Some times and especially when its just the 2 of us, I stop and "soak in" her sweetness realizing how incredibly fast this goes.  Its been day and night compared to Stetson where I was more like trying to hurry and get to the next mile stone thinking the baby phase would never end. 
Baby Stahle your mom loves you more than words!
 This is one of our first nights without Michael home while he was in Miles City.  Stahle gets lot of comments on her cheeks.  She is our butterball!
 One of my favorites.  A lot of times after Stahle's feeding I'll put her in the corner of the couch and talk to her.  Janelle always comes over and gets her Stahle fix so I have lots of pics of them like this.

1 comment:

Jill Asay said...

That last picture made my day! Those girls are so dang sweet!