Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas program

 Last Friday was Kandace & Stetson's Christmas program.  It was at 8:30 am, funny time but gpa Simmons and gpa & gma Asay came and I was so grateful for so much support.  Luckily we were seated right in front of where Kandace was standing so we got super good seats.  I already knew all of Kandace's songs because she was singing them at home nonstop.

Unfortunately I could't see Stetson very well.  He was so funny when he came onto stage.  He was trying hard not to smile when he saw us all sitting there but I knew he wanted to.  I asked him later why he didn't and he said it was because his smile is crooked.

1 comment:

Jill Asay said...

The kids looked really good all dressed up for their programs!