Sunday, August 26, 2012

Ups and downs

This picture was taken last week when I tried to get the kids to run through the sprinklers in our backyard since the whale pool is closed for the season. :(  Summer has gone so fast but we sure packed in some fun things!  The last couple of days have been not so fun...our little Janelle was really fussy last wednesday and I noticed some rashes that were getting worse so we got her in to see a physician here in Lovell since I can't ever get into our regular M.D. in Powell unless its for a well child.  We found out she had a yeast and ear infection so we got some prescriptions for her.  Her rash and fever have been going down but she was still really fussy so we had to skip out on our temple trip/school shopping trip.  Stetson & I had a mom/son date to Cody instead where we got him some new shoes and all his school suppplies.  Emily brought over a bunch of really nice clothes from Zach & Ben so we're set! It was so special to be just with Stetson.  I sure love that boy of mine.  Since Sat, Janelle's yeast infection spread to her mouth which is thrush, so I stayed home with her today while Michael took the kids to church.  My theory is if babies not happy, ain't nobody happy.  You can tell her mouth hurts because she's not eating or drinking much and she only wants to be held, which doesn't always comfort her either.  The only thing that calms her down lately are baths, yogurt and walks in the stroller.  Poor baby.  It makes me appreciate my kids' health and look forward to happier days for my nella!! On top of our sick baby, I start teaching step tomorrow and Stetson starts school the next day!  AHH!!


Mark & Shayla said...

Poor baby! I remember when Kendal had that as a baby and it was hard on her and Jenna. Hope she starts feeling better soon.

The Asay's said...

Poor baby Janelle. We hope she gets better soon!