Friday, December 16, 2011

Stetson is 5 tomorrow

Tomorrow my Stetson turns 5. Tonight I took he and his sister Kandace to the movies at the Hyart. It was special to be with my kiddos. Earlier today, I took Stetson with me to run some errands. Just him. One of them was a stop at the hen house. He asked to go upstairs because that's where all the toys are. He spotted an antique Mickey Mouse phone for $35. He wants a phone for Christmas, but I'm sure Santa is having a hard time figuring out what kind of phone to get him. While we were at Hen House he kept saying he wanted to get a present for his friend Matthew. He was looking at a train. I stepped away for a minute and when I came back he said, "mom the train broke, sorry about that." Feeling a little worried that I might be paying for a train set that day, I was relieved that the hooks has simply separated.

Stetson has been asking for MONTHS if its his birthday yet. We have to go through the shpeal of how Carson's birthday comes Dec. 5th and then his birthday.

When we got home from the movie I told Stetson that when he wakes up tomorrow its going to be his birthday. It almost seems just as exciting for me. I told him that 5 years ago tonight at this same time I was folding laundry, listening to motab Christmas music and feeling excited. Michael was snoozing.

I have a little bottle of shampoo/body wash from Powell hospital from when I had Janelle and its the same kind they had when I had Stetson because when I smell it all the memories flood in, and I love it. Having Stetson and taking care of a newborn for the first time was traumatic for this mama, but it was OH so wonderful. :)

I still can hardly believe when I look at him that he's my boy and that I had him and raised him. Seems nothing short of a miracle to me. I love him and am so glad I have my Stetson.

1 comment:

Mark & Shayla said...

Five years flies by so fast. He is such a handsome funny little guy. Jay thinks the world of him. Hope he had a great birthday!