Wow, its definitely time for an update. Some big things have happened!! I'm sure most everyone knows already, but my dad married Brenda Robertson. We love Brenda! She is from Lovell, which is the town Michael grew up in. Michael went to school with her sons and we couldn't be happier to have her a part of our family. I am so grateful and relieved that my dad has a companion! Our stake president who married them, reminded us during the ceremony that the man is not to be without the woman and its so true! They will compliment each other and enrich each other's lives so much I'm sure. An extra bonus that we're getting out of this deal is that Michael and I will get to move into Brenda's house in Lovell, so we'll get to live in town again. I'm sad to leave our little house for lots of reasons, but excited to live in Brenda's house since she's made some recent improvements (newly remondeled kitchen and bedrooms), its closer to Michael's work and it will just be nice to live closer to things. I am so sad to leave Lovell 4th ward though. I love Lovell 4th ward and think so much of the wonderful people there, but I know Lovell 3rd ward will be great, too!
Jan and I took the kiddos to the Cowley Easter egg hunt today. The weather was o.k. on the drive up and right up until the Easter egg started. Then the wind started blowing like crazy and we felt little snow flurries. So needless to say we grabbed our loot (with lots of extra help from mom & gma :) and made a mad dash for the car to go run some errands and head home. I am excited to listen to conference and spend the weekend with our family.
Our little kiddos continue to make us so happy every day. Stetson's vocab is taking off and I'm surprised by the things he says (Mostly humored). :) Kandace is our little princess who is always wanting to be where the action is!! She LOVES her dad, drinking milk, taking things out of the dishwasher, playing in Stetson's room and she's finally letting me read to her a little more. One big difference between Stetson & Kandace is that Stetson LOVED to be read to...from birth he would sit on my lap and let me read to him for a long time. He wouldn't ever grab for the pages, try to turn them before I was done or try to get down. He just listened and loved it. Kandace on the other hand does all those things until recently, she's showing a little more interest. They both take a nap at 2p and it is mommy's most favorite time of the day. :) We're going to buy a computer soon and I can't wait to get back on the blogging train because I have missed it so much!

We're so excited to have you in the ward!!!!!
I personally am looking forward to having you both in the ward. We need talent like yours. Welcome!!
oh, my goodness! your dad got married?! hooray for him! that's so exciting and i'm so glad that you like her and get to live her newly remodeled house! hooray for good things happening!
I was excited to see a post about how you guys are doing...can't wait for you guys to get a computer so we can see more about those cute kids of yours more often! Looks like the Easter egg hunt was a success!!
I didn't know your dad got married either? How long were they dating? I knew a long time ago he dated someone, is this the same lady? How fun, I'm excited for him and your family. Good Luck with the move and everything. Wish I could see you, your kids are growing up so fast.
Yay a post from you guys. We miss seeing them all the time. We love to see pictures of the kids. Looks like you guys had a good Easter
I heard about your dad and was so happy for him!! Yay! Love hearing updates on the kids!
Can't wait to have you in 3rd ward!! Yay for us!
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