Have you ever had one of those days where you just feel like the laziest turd (exuse my language) in the world and you don't want to do ANYTHING???????? I've been feeling like that the last couple of days. Maybe its the rain, I don't know but I don't like it. Michael and I are trying to take better control of our finances, and one way of doing this is to plan our meals to minimize trips to the store, thus spending less $$. I've actually been doing this for a while, but I'd always forget something and have to take a trip to Wally world in the middle of the week and end up finding 10 other things I "just had to have." Well we planned pretty good this week and haven't ran out of anything (besides milk and bread, so maybe we are really bad at this, but we're big milk drinkers). ANYWAY for some crazy retarted reason I haven't been in the mood for anything I've planned on preparing, and feeling like EVERY last ounce of energy has been sucked right out of me doesn't help. Anyway, thats my sob story, and I'm stickin to it. I do have to say that I have the best husband in the world though, who manages to make me laugh and lighten things up when I overdramatize things. Right now he's at the library studying for his big mkat June 13. Keep him in your prayers. He's working really hard and I'm proud of him. P.S. In case you didn't get the picture, its titled "lazy man's way of walking dog" and if I had a dog, thats how I'd be walking him today.
I just wanted to send you a smile!:) I've had those days too...just think happy thoughts!
p.s. If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to call me! I'm always here!!
I think I know just how you feel. :o) I can totally relate to the menu thing too. I plan out my meals and then I don't feel like making any of them! Annoying, but I can only blame myself. I hope the MCAT goes well. It will be good to have that over with.
I know exactly what you are talking about, been there, done that. I think that you are just stressed and worried about the unknown, mkat, moving for the summer, ect. It'll be ok.
I have an uncle who says as your salary increases the quality of food you eat decreases. Obviously because the less money you have the more you have to cook from scratch and that requires SO MUCH planning and work. I am totally with you, but it is great practice for the future. (Since we are learning to say no to ourselves now, maybe it will be easier to say no to our kids when they are older!)
Thanks for the picture. It brought a smile to my face. I have lots of days like (probably more than I should), but I also think its okay. Its how we cope with everything!
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