Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I don't have any pictures, so sorry about that, but I did want to give a little update on our little summer "adventure." After LOTS of studying and practice tests, Michael finallyt took his mkat Friday @ 9 am while I stayed home and cleaned and packed, and then we were off at about 3. Michael thinks it went pretty good. He was doing good on his practice tests, which he says are very similar to the mkat, so hopefully he does good enough to get in!! Our trip wasn't that bad. I was just so happy that we ddin't get lost or have car troubles, I didn't even mind that we were in the car for such a long time. We saw lots of neat things. The scenery along the entire trip was beautiful. I've never been to this part of our country, so it was quite a treat. Probably the most surprising thing was how GREEN it was--starting in Nebraska, there was just beautiful trees lining the interstate. We drove over the Missouri river and the Mississippi, and saw the gateway arch in St. Louis. We also passed the jail in Liberty where Joseph Smith was. I hope we can stop on the way home and see it. We're only about an hr I think from Chicago, which is where Michael's dad served his mission. There's lots of things to do and see here, so we'll try to take advantage of it as much as we can. Stetson's already been in about 7 states (I think) since he was born. He's quite the traveler.

Anyway, Michael's been busy busy since he got here. He worked on his application yesterday observed in the OR. He said he was a little queezy when they were prepping the patient, but as soon as they starting "cutting in" he said all that went away and he was just really fascinatd by it all. I would have puked by then probably. Last night at 11 he got called to go observe another transplant surgery in Mischigan, so he just hopped on plane with the surgeon he's with and off they went.

I feel so blessed that Michael is having these opportunities and that people are so willing to help him. I think just being an Asay really got his foot in the door--he comes from a solid family of good, hard workers, so people trust him and want to help.

Stetson has done awesome witht he time change, he's almost totally back on schedule. We went swimming yesterday, and it was pretty crazy. When we first got in, he was a little timid and just walked around, but not long after, he thought he was in the tub and was back to his old tricks (trying to lay down on his back, rolling over, TOTALLY submerged himself like twice but it didn't bother him a BIT. All the more exciting if you ask him. I literally had to follow him around VERY CLOSE with my hands behind him to catch him. This kid is fearless. So needless to say, we didn't stay that long since I was responsible for 2 other kids that can't swim.

Well thats it in a nutshell, hope all is well with everyone back home, pictures to come. :)


nina said...

Sounds like you guys are having a really great time. I'm excited for Michael too, that really is a great opportunity for him!

Em said...

That is exciting you have seen so much. Daryl grew up like and hour from Liberty jail and three hours from Chicago, if you need palces to go I am sure he could tell you. I bet it is so nice to get out of Laramie and experience something new. Sounds like a great opportunity for you guys.

Kimberly said...

Wow, I can't believe you're so far away! That sounds great that Michael is having all those opportunities. So how long did the drive take?

Ranee` said...

Seriously, it's really funny that you are living so close to all my brothers and sister this summer! DJ, Jordan and his fiancee (wife in a few days) are in Chicago for the summer!

Mark & Shayla said...

I'm so glad that things are going so well for you guys so far. It sounds like everyone is adjusting fast. Way to go Michael--I know for sure after the fish lesson that I could and would never be a surgeon.

Mandi Burrell said...

I MISS YOU GIRL, and I loved reading your blog. I want to keep in touch more, I'm sorry I'm such a slacker. I have a blog now too so you are welcome to see.
Your family is so cute! Good Luck with everything-

Anonymous said...

Wow! I didn't realize you were moving to Illinois. How is it? We need to talk girlie!:)