Thursday, March 26, 2015

6 months

On Sunday my beautiful baby turned 6 months!  She had her well-child this week but I threw away her charts.  I'm not nearly as interested in percentiles and stats as I used to be.  All I want to know is that she is healthy!  It is scary to me how quickly the time has passed.  When she was born I knew it would go by fast so I tried to relish every second--I was right, its flown by.  Having 3 other kids I think makes it go faster?  At any rate, I'm at a loss of words of how to describe this little angel baby!  She slept 12 hrs last night, she eats 4-5 times in a 24 hour period, she smiles, laughs, blows bubbles, gets carried around all day by her big sister Kandace and eats baby food now!  She has recently tried more veggies, specifically avocado, which she tried today and didn't love.  She seems to enjoy all the other baby foods we've offered her.  She's getting better at getting it in her little mouth.  Its still pretty messy though.  The kids always want to help feed her.
Stahle is a favorite at child watch.  I've gotten multiple comments on what a good, laid back baby she is.  She used to take her morning nap there, but she stays awake until I get her at 10 now.  I think she's almost ready for 2 naps a day instead of 3.
Stahle you are a joy!  Thank you for being in our family!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

She is so adorable!