Saturday, April 27, 2013

Haven't blogged in a while.  We need a new camera card so I don't have to keep deleting pics off my camera when I want to take a new pic.  This pic is awesome.  This is Matthew & Charlene's new baby Chloe.  We all love her.  I almost cried when I found out I couldn't hold her again until Sept.  Luckily Todd & Emily are due in a couple weeks and I can hold him. :) 

Lots of news in the Asay fam.  We close on a condo in Billings on May 15.  7 days after I turn 30.  I guess since I will be so old its time to be doing big girl buying a house.  I am over the moon about the condo.  Its in a beautiful location, right across the street from Rocky Mtn college which will be so convenient for Michael and the condo is in a little culdisac surrounded by pretty trees and nice landscaping.  Its 3 bdrms 3 bathrooms.  It has far more storage space than the other condos we saw and has a garage which is a first for us and we are psyched.  Psyched to not have to put the kid's bikes and strollers in the living room when it rains and to not have to worry about storing our stuff here in Wyo while we're in Billings.  The kitchen is updated but teeny, but I'm sort of excited about it actually because it will be easier to keep clean.  S & K will share a bdrm downstairs (we're going to have to seriously fine tune our organizational skills to make that a functional space) and the master and Janelle's room are upstairs with a full bathroom.  The home inspection was a couple weeks ago and fortunately there's just a few things that need to be done that we've negotiated with the seller.  We actually didn't think we were going to get the condo because we didn't make an offer until another one had already been accepted.  The realtor said we could make a backup offer and amazingly enough the previous buyer backed out and we got it.  There's a lot of projects I'd LOVE to do (remove popcorn ceiling, Wayne's coating on walls, backsplash in bathroom, new paint, etc but we'll see what we can afford.  Michael wants to replace the carpet on the mail level with laminant which would make sense since thats our eating area and laminant is lower maintenance than carpet for little kids.

Michael's workload in Lovell has picked up since one of their employees switched over to Powell so sometimes he works 100+ hrs  week.  I feel sorry for him and for me.  And for my kids because I am worn pretty thin by the end of some of those 12 hr days.  Billings has tons to offer though as far as parks and pools and all that so I'm excited for that and think that will help break up our days when we move.  We're glad we can save money though while we can. 

I still teach step Mondays at 5:30-6:30pm and am glad I can still do that.  Steston's doing good in school.  He walks now which could be a whole other blog post.  All I can say is I love that boy and sometimes he makes me crazy.  We've practiced using the crosswalk multiple times and I think he has that down pat now but sometimes he just doesn't want to walk to school.  Well I think its a good chance to teach him that there will be many things in his life he won't want to do but we have to do them anyway so we can get/be better. 
I can't believe there's only a month left of school.  Don't know where the time went. 
He will go to Rose park elementary in Billings.  Thats the school we're assigned to per our residence. I'm still working out Kandace' s preschool.  Tuition is far more expensive in Billings than Lovell so we're trying to get that worked out.
Janelle is our little monkey and we love her. She talks more.  She says no, uh huh, hi, bye, mom, book, up, uh oh and a couple others.  She is a great hugger and kisser.  She is fiesty though with her sibings. She'll smack them on the head and then hug them right after.  I hear she's fiesty in nursery, too.  We'll have to work on that.

1 comment:

nina said...

Excited for you guys on your new adventures!