Wednesday, October 28, 2009

my morning so far

We woke up to yucky, snowy, windy weather today so I thought to brighten our day we'd carve pumpkins, so I bundled the kids up and headed for gma Asay's where the pumpkins were and headed back home for some pumking carving fun. This picture shows the extent of Stetson's participation in the pumpkin carving party. He wasn't so interested. He did roll up his sleeves and put his hand in but never actually touched the gunk. After I was done carving it I put a candle in it and turned the lights out and he started singing happy birthday to it. Just a heads up for first time moms: don't even try to carve pumpkins with your kids 'til they're ...4 or 5? I'm not sure but every Halloween with Stetson so far has been me carving the pumpkins.

Yesterday might have been the happiest day of Stetson's life because after story time I told him he could have a "spider muffin" that his cousins Zach & Ben made if he ate his potatoe soup.
We've been under the weather here but are hoping for a full recovery by tomorrow for the ward trunk or treat!


Tracy said...

LOVE the pumpkin!! I too, hope your family is fully recovered for the ward trunk or treat!! Try to have a Happy Day!! :-)

Emily S. said...

Glad to see Stetson liked the cupcake, the boys had such a great time making them!!!

Jill Asay said...

Yay for pumpkins! Hope you guys feel better!

Brenda said...

You are a very good carver! I hope you are feeling better soon!

The Asay's said...

Looks like too much fun. Remember last year when you and I carved pumpkins,I have been lazy this year (or you know too busy) to even carve our pumpkin. We miss you guys

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun day. It takes a while but they soon love everything about the gunk in the pumpkin. Love your card too, it was sooo cute!!

Emily said...

I saw your blog on Facebook - I"m so glad I can keep up with the other Emily's I know and love (tee hee)
our blog is if you want to check us out
I totally hear you on the pumpkin carving thing too
Emily Simmons (Mark's Emily, that is)