Friday, October 2, 2009


Last night while I was at step, Kandace swallowed something. We're not sure what it was, but Michael said she swallowed it before he could get it out, and right after she swallowed it she cried hard. We were worried about what it was but thankfully Michael said he was able to lay her down and she went to sleep fine... until about 10:45 after we were both in bed. She started fussing so I immediately went in there because this is the first time she's done this. I nursed her for a little while then laid her back down. She immediately started crying again so to make a long story short, Michael and I took turns rocking/walking Kandace last night 'til what seemed really late but it was probably like midnight?? I know, nothing compared to what a lot of moms deal with on a regualar basis, but it was way out of the ordinary for us. Thankfully she's back to her normal self and hopefully back in schedule!! We'll see what the "surprise object" was next time she poops. :)


A while back I went to check on Kandace when she was sleleping, and as I watched her sleep I was so overcome. I can't even articulate how it feels, but all you moms know how incredible it is to watch your babies peacefully sleep. This baby is such a blessing. Heavenly Father has truly blessed us incredibily with 2, healthy beautiful babies and I am thankful.


Mark & Shayla said...

So glad she is okay, how scary.

Michaell & Madison said...

so glad that everything is ok....and dont feel bad Halle pulled out her poney tail while she was sleeping and i could not fine it but i thought no big deal...but a few days later while at cari's she found a bright pink poney tail...i felt so bad!

Unknown said...

Emily that's very scary. I'm glad she got to sleep and everything is okay. I agree there is nothing more precious than watching your baby sleep.

Brook said...

That is scary! What cute kids you have:) sleeping kids are precious!!!

Sarah B. said...

I love watching babies sleep...that peaceful moment really brings you closer to them.

laura said...

Scary! I'm glad she is okay! I can't believe how much she looks like you!!

nina said...

You'll have to post and let us know what the mystery object was if you find it.

Anonymous said...

Cute family.
Hope you are doing swell!