Tuesday, September 30, 2014


 The first week of life for Stahle was pretty much bliss...in a different sort of way.  Other than the usual soreness that new moms experience, I was feeling pretty good emotionally, and I was way better about taking it easy and trying to soak in the beautiful newborn in my house.  I didn't worry about anything but me and baby.  I didn't worry about messes, cooking, cleaning, I pretty much sat in my chair, nursed Stahle all day, held her and snuck in some naps.  Making a really conscious effort to rest made a big difference for me.  I think with the others, I was in such a hurry to "get back to normal" and try to catch up with housework and life, that I didn't soak in as much as I should have, making my recovery take longer.  I was so grateful that Jan took Janelle for the rest of the week.  It made such a difference . Michael did get to take Tue and Wed off which was nice . Dad came Wed afternoon, helped with kids, stayed the night and then left the next morning for temple work and then to go home.  We had meals brought in all week which was so nice.  The nights were special even though we were tired.  It was really indescribably sweet to have this precious baby with us.
 First sponge bath
 My midwife and Barbara came over a couple times to check in on us and do some weight checks and such on Stahle.

 This is my midwife, Katrina
 some visitors
This sums up my babymoon.  I sat in this chair and held her all day long and took pics of her.  It.was.heaven.

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