Saturday, November 30, 2013


My picture taking was less than par this year so I stole the bottom one from Jill's blog and the top one was taken right before we took off after a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at Michael's parents' house.  Jan is a wonderful cook and we always feel so welcome and at home.  We left Billings Wednesday afternoon, got to Asays about 5, had a birthday dinner and dessert for Stan, stayed the night there, had Thanksgiving dinner with Asays and then went to say hi to my fam in the afternoon before we headed back to Billings so Michael could keep studying for some big tests coming up next week.  He gets done on Tue and I'm pumped.  We have a long list of house projects that I know I would love to do (can't speak for Michael) but we have at least a couple we want to do in December since he has that month off of school. I have so much to be thankful for.  We talked about Thanksgiving at FHE last Monday and it was one of the first times this month I really contemplated all that I'm thankful for.  Thanksgiving is awesome because it makes us reflect on everything Heavenly Father has blessed us with.  We talked about how its so easy to always want more and think we don't have everything we need/deserve but really and truly, I know I have been so blessed.  I am most grateful for my husband who is a worthy priesthood holder who honors his family and his faith and works so hard for us.  I am so proud to be his wife.  He is working so hard at school and is determined to be successful and has been so far.  I am thankful for 3 beautiful, healthy children.  They teach us so much about being patient and depending on Heavenly Father.

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