So we are still cameraless, but I've got some great pictures to show off in the meantime! A friend of mine from high school (Jed Grant) is starting a photography business and was looking for some practice so I volunteered my kids. I think they turned out great. I love the rock on his head (see below), Jed says it creates visual interest, and I agree. :)
Life's been a little out of the norm lately. My teaching endorsement expires in March of '11 and I didn't start looking at renewal requirements until like a month ago and so I'm having to cram. Regular teachers are informed of all the workshops and stuff, but I'm out of the loop so its been a challenge getting up to speed with everything. I went to 2 workshops in Cowley, each worth .5 points, and I need 5 total. I'm taking 4 credits at Northwest college right now. They're online classes and I'm enjoying it so far. It sorta makes me sad that I'm learning all this and staying current on my

I always worry about not being good enough of a mom...one of the things I'm so grateful for are second chances...the fact that I always have another day to try again and be better. I wish Steston came with an owner's manual that told me exactly how to deal with situations. I always think that I need to respond to every situation with love and patience, but really?? All the time?? Even when he deliberately hits me because I won't let him have a 5th bag of fruit snacks for the day? (ok thats an exaggeration, but the hitting is not). ALL I want is for him to be happy and successful and I know that he will be if he knows he's loved..and I know there's a few more other things I need to do, and I'm working on it. I need more help from heaven but I have to get in gear so I can receive it. Stetson LOVES to play candyland with his gma Asay and bless her little heart for playing with him. He cheats and bends the rules all the time and won't let Kandace play, which is hard at her age when she wants right in the action all the time. So since he loves candyland, gma Asay bought him a candyland book with the sounds and everything and he loves it so much he takes it to bed with him. He also loves to play cards (memory) but he knows not to ask to play unless Kandace is asleep because she'd be all over it and it'd be a huge fight. One thing about games is he doesn't deal so well with losing (another hard mom moment, not sure how to deal with that).
Stetson doesn't say his "r" "g" or "k" sound very well so CRC children's resource center came and did a screening in spring and said to take him back if he wasn't saying them by fall, so here we are in almost Sept so I scheduled another one and it looks like they'll have to have someone come over to the house once a week for 30 mins and help him along with that. I 'm really not worried about it, I'm just glad we caught it and can hopefully get it resoloved sooner than later. He's growing very tall and I'm thinking he looks too big to be a 3 year old sometimes!

I LOVE this picture of Kandace. She is such an angel...an angel with an attitude. She just started going to nursery 3 weeks ago..the first week no problems, 2nd week cried so much they brought her back to us, 3rd week fine, and yesterday ( so 4 weeks I guess) a little teary. It melts me to go up there and see her sucking her thumb and the instant she sees us she breaks down again...I love her so much! She had her 18 mon appt last week. She's in the 3rd % for weight, but normal for everything else. Its hard sometimes having a "petite" baby because sometimes people probably question me feeding her, but I guess I should dismiss that because I know that we do the best for her as far as seeing that her nutritional needs are met. She is one little firecracker, thats for sure. She gives looks that could kill, almost always gets her way but we are C-R-A-Z-Y about her. Life is so much better with our little princess.
I thought for a minute I was reading a post of mine except I feel like I have to defend being a working mom to the world. One thing I've learned is just to do what you think is the best decision for your family. I have doubts about being a "good enough" Mom too but in the end I lay in bed at night and feel like I did the best I could for that day. Being a Mom is tough, it opened up a lot of emotions/feelings that I didn't know how to deal with but everyday I feel a little better about my journey.
Kim, I'm with you. The decision to work outstide the home is personal and I know some moms have to and I support them..I think it'd be a hard thing to do!
I remember those days well......love the pictures!
It is interesting to me that I have read at least 5 different posts recently about moms feeling overwhelmed (I was one of them too) or mom not feeling like they are doing good enough.
MOMS! We just have the hardest job EVER!
Whether you have to work outside of the home and still be there for your children, or stay at home all day long, there is nothing easy about it.
Life is hard and messy, and you do have to make things work the best way you can. If that means you work outside the home, so be it.
I have been lucky to have a job that gives me the choice to stay home with my kids and work. But, then again, no easy task there! It is always a juggling act when you are a mother.
I just tell myself everyday, "just keep going, just keep going."
I still have to feed Callie and she just turned 4! Okay, not all the time, but she really is not that interested in food. Both her and Hailey were in the 5th percentile for weight. So I know how it feels to have petit girls! You just do what you know is best, let people question all they want.
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