Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I should be cleaning

This Michael & Stetson like the day after we moved here. Look at my baby!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot believe its almost been 2 years since we moved our little family to Laramie.
Here are some exciting milestones that took place in the little college town we called home.

*Stetson took his first steps
*Stetson celebrated his first birthday
*I was primary choirister
*I was certifed by Aerobics and Fitness Association of American and taught step for almost 2 years on campus
*Michael graduated with a bacehlors in microbiology
*Kandace was born
*We met some awesome people and made great memories

Well we have a huge pile of boxes stacked up against our sliding glass door and lots more to pack, but its hard knowing what to hang onto 'til we actually leave. I'm totally living in denial, thinking there's not a whole lot to do but I know its gonna backfire when Friday comes and I'm running around like a crazy woman. I've been trying to use up all the food in our fridge, but I'm sure we'll give a lot of it to Matthew & Charlene. I'm sad to leave Laramie because I know we won't see a lot of these people for a long time, if ever again. I'll miss going to Washington park with my kids, breakfast club with Matthew & Charlene, our wonderful Spring Creek ward, singing the Messiah in December, living 5 mintues from a super Wal-mart, teaching step on campus and much more. Stetson will miss Lah-lene (Charlene) I'm sure. Maybe even Matthew, too if we remind him. :) jk

I remember looking up images of Laramie on the internet 2 years ago when we were getting ready to move here..I had a lot of anxiety going to a new place, especially when I'd never been there before. I think the lesson learned for me is that it doesn't really matter where you live, whose in your ward or what the weather is like...I have to decide to make the best of it and find happiness in my situation.


The Gilmore's said...

So sad:( We cannot beleive that when we get back there will be no little Stetson running around our back door! Hope all goes well for you guys, and we will miss you as neighbors! GOOD LUCK with everything!

Jill Asay said...

Hope your packing goes well! Can't believe it's already that time! Are you leaving Friday or just loading up then...either way...good luck!!

Brenda said...

I had those same experiences when we moved to Laramie in 1981. Holy Cow, I'm OLD!

Cara said...

i can't believe you've been there for so long! where are you heading to?

The Asay's said...

We are going to miss you guys like crazy. It is going to be soo werid not being able to go over and see you guys everyday. And we will for sure miss Stetson and Kandace also. Hope they don't forget about us.

nina said...

I thought you hadn't posted in forever because an update wasn't on my blogger list. I just realized that my list has been messed up and I missed the last five of your posts! Good luck with your move.

laura said...

Change is hard for me but your advice was good about making the best of it! Good luck!