Monday, April 20, 2015


Having places to go (especially with other people) helps pass the time and keeps the kid entertained. We went to Scheels and McDonalds last Thursday with Jacobsons.
Kandace has been having a hard time at school.  Academically she's doing well but Ms. K says she just gets pouty and sad sometimes, unwilling to cooperate and do what she's supposed to.  This is stressful news to a basically singe mom of 3 other kids who need lots of attention from mom.  We made a chart and if she get stickers every day for good attitude and following instructions, she'd get to stay at gma Asays Fri night which is the ULTIMATE reward for my kids.  Along with the chart, I had lunch with her the next day, volunteered in her classroom and tried to sign her up for soccer (suggestion from teacher) only to find out it totally overlapped with their already scheduled  swimming lessons.  Having places to go and trying to make home life a little more fun has been helpful I think for her.

Michael has been able to come home every weekend since his rotation started which has been a dream.  I think when he goes to Libby, the kids and I will try to stay a couple weeks with him while he's there.

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