Friday, December 19, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

 For Thanksgiving this year we went to Asay's Wednesday, stayed the night and had dinner with them Thursday.  Kandace got to help grandpa Asay get the pomegranates ready for the fruit salad which was probably the highlight of the day of this fruit lover.
 We got a ton of snow Wednesday night so later in the morning we took the kids out to build a snowman and check out all the animals.  After dinner we headed to dad's for dessert
 The best part of Thanksgiving is the leftovers!!  We had another Delicious feast on Friday.  This time we got to spend it with Jared & his fiance, Renee.  It was a really nice break from Billings and good to spend time with family.  Grandma taught Stetson how to play farmopoly and he is hooked.  Between gma Asay, me and Renee, he got like 3 hours of farmopoly in that day.  When we got home he found our game of regular monopoly and talked Michael and I into playing it with him a few times.
Baby Stahle got lots of snuggle time.  She was a DREAM when we were at Asays. It was like a Thanksgiving miracle.  She slept straight through all her naps, slept 10 hrs every night and was happy during her wake time.  It was so nice.  I was stressed about it the days leading up to our visit because I didn't know how she'd do, but she was amazing.  We sure love her.

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