We had a great Thanksgiving yesterday. We had 1:00 round one with Asay's, then we got to go to Brenda's mom and dad's for 4:00 round two. I know I'm blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful people among many other things. I was thinking of things I'm grateful for and realized that one thing I've always taken for granted is being surrouned by family all the time. Some people live in loneliness and I realize I've been blessed.
Today was the traditional "day after Thanksgiving work cows with Asays" day where Stan's brother Clark comes and they all preg test the cows and then we have a great big delicous lunch prepared by Jan.
Stetson & Kandace have loved playing with cousins but I'm ready to get back to a more normal routine where I'm actually home long enough to do some things around the house and the kids can get their naps.
Tonight me, Leanne Winterholler, Jaran & Shan Baker, Cannon & Erin played vball in the annual turkey tournament. We lost our first game, won our second. Its so fun to play volleyball again.