So not much has been happening, Sataruday we went to Cheyanne to get pics taken of the kids. Kandace was an angel and just sat there and smiled the whole time while her big brother opted to run around the studio and eat fruit snacks. :) We did get a couple good ones at least. This is Michael's last week of school and then finals, and then he's done with the exception of bus driving--he's contracted to do that until June 3. We're going to try to get Stetson back on the "potty training train" when Michael'e done with school so we can take turns taking Stetson to sit on the potty. I hope it goes better this time. He actually asks to sit on it sometimes but of course its usually right when we're heading out the door to go somehwere or in a big hurry. And when we do sit him down he doesn't do anything but ask to get off.
Kandace is officially sleeping through the night, and of course now that I say that she'll probably be up tomorrow 2 am. :) Something kind of weird though is usually at like 4 am I'll hear her kind of move around and make some sounds, which is unfortuate for me because like any mother, I hear her EVERY move and so it affects my sleep. When Stetson was this old we kicked him out to the next room and it made a world of a difference for all of us, but we only have 1 spare room and Stetson's in there, so we might put her porta crib downstairs at night. Anyway, it snowed last night. Again. Do I live in Alaska? Seriously, this is not supposed to be happening.