1- Where were you when you first found out you were pregnant?
Stetson: In the bathroom at our first house in Lovell
?: In the bathroom here in Laramie
2- Who was with you?
Stetson: Michael was in the bedroom just down the hall
?: same
3- How did you find out that you were pregnant?
Stetson.: Pregnancy Test
?: pregnancy test
4- What was your first reaction to finding out you were pregnant?
Stetson.: Wew hoo!
?: wew hoo!! (really happy both times)
5- Your Husbands reaction?
Steston.: really happy,
?: happy he wanted to call his mom that night
6- Who was the first person you told?
Stetson.: My Uncle Moody
?: ironically, my aunt Marguerite (I was at red apple printing off a picture of Stetson holding the ultra sound pic because we were telling our families the next day. and she was there shopping and saw the pics so i told her :)
7-Did you plan to get pregnant?
Stetson: Yes
?: yes again
8-Was everybody happy for you?
Stetson.: Of course.
?: Of course.
9- Did you go out and celebrate?
Stetson: no
?: no
10- Did you want to find out the sex?
Stetson: Yes
?: Yes, not as much as I did with Stetson (i thought a surprise would be cool) but Micchael wanted to know and I couldn't have him knowing w/out me knowing. :)
11- What was the sex?
Steston: boy
?: we'll just have to see abotu that.
12-Did anyone throw you a baby shower?
Stetson: Yes
?: No
13- If yes, who?
Kathy Bischoff
14- Did you get any outfits at the baby shower that you just knew you weren't going to put on your baby?
I don't think so, I was crazy about everything I got.
15- How much weight did you gain?
Stetson: I honestly don't now
?: I think 20 pounds so far
16- Did you loose all of the weight that you gained?
Stetson: eventually, but I didn't really try 'til he was weaned
?: we shall see :)
17- Did you get a lot of stretch marks?
Stetson: not on my stomach
?: not yet, crossing my fingers
18- What did you crave the most?
Stetson: Anything they were making on cooking shows, one time I remember craving beef stew like nobody's business and I was so mad I couldn't have it right then
?: Olive Garden
19- Did you crave anything crazy?
20- Who or what got on your nerves the most?
Stetson: The smell of things, being uncomfortable, having to pee all the time!!!!!!!!.
?: same
21- Were you married at the time?
Yes to both
22- Did you have any complications during your pregnancy?
23- Where were you when you went into labor?
Stetson: At Michael's gma Mildred's visiting family..I was sitting there and started feeling a contraction (nothing painful) and for the next hr. or so I kept track of how far apart they were with Michael's cell phoen. I WAS SOOOO EXCITED!! We went to the hospital a few hrs later.
24- Did your water break?
Stetson: Yes,
26- Did you go early or late?
Stetson: 2 days early
?:hopefully before Michael's interview! (Or after)
27- Who was in the room with you when you gave birth?
Stetson: Michael, doc Ellis, a nurse I really liked and my dad
28- Was it video taped?
29- Did you have any drugs for the pain?
yes siree
30-Did you go vaginal or have a c-section?
31- What was your first reaction after giving birth?
Stetson: what a miracle, such an amazing moment, I cried
32- How big was the baby(s)?
Stetson: 8.11
?: hopefully smaller ;)
33- Did your Husband cry?
no, I took care of all that ;)
34- What did you name the baby(s)?
Stetson Simmons Asay
35-Did the name have any significance to you?
Michael met a little boy on his mission named Stetson, he \really likekd it ever since. simmons is my maiden name
36-Does the baby's name fit?
I think so
37- Did the baby(s) have any complications?
nope, everything went great,
38- How old is your baby today?
2 rs
39- When is the next one(s) coming?
Hopefully sometime in the near future
40- If you could would you do it all over again?
sure would